Adult Dog and Cat Wellness
Comprehensive physical exams are the most important part of a complete adult wellness program. Many medical conditions are detected on physical exam that the owner was unaware of because pets can not communicate and tend to hide their illnesses. Early detection, recognition, and timely intervention of medical conditions are the key to a long, healthy life.
A few years ago, the veterinary community routinely gave vaccines yearly to almost all patients. There has been much research and discussion recently regarding frequency of vaccines. At Shelton Veterinary Care, we have followed the research and discussion with the desire to provide the very best care for our patients. We have learned that vaccines are still critical for pets to protect them against diseases, but due to length of immunity and possibility of side effects, the vaccines should not always be given at yearly intervals. We offer vaccines tailored to each specific patients exposure. A vaccination protocol will be recommended for your pet based on their exposure and according to the newest knowledge regarding vaccinations. For example, most adult dogs will be vaccinated every year for bordetella, but only every 3 years for Distemper/parvo and Rabies. Cats will require some vaccinations yearly and others every 3rd year.
Parasite Prevention
is an important health care concern not only for your pet but for your family as well. The Centers For Disease Control (CDC) reports many cases each year of parasitic diseases which are contagious from pets to people. Most of these diseases could have easily been prevented with routine veterinary care. To read more about parasite problems in dogs and cats visit the Companion Animal Parasite Council.
There are many different types of intestinal parasites so it is recommended that a fecal sample is examined at your pet’s visit so we are able to determine the type of parasite and treat your pet with a dewormer that is effective against that particular parasite. We recommend checking a fecal sample annually.
Heartworm Prevention
Heartworms are much easier to prevent than treat. We recommend that all dogs and cats be on heartworm preventative year round for their entire life. We also recommend annual heartworm testing. If our records can document continuous heartworm preventative use and yearly negative heartworm tests, the manufacturer of the heartworm preventative will guarantee their product. If your pet should ever become heartworm positive, the heartworm manufacturer would pay for the entire treatment, which can be be hundreds of dollars. Click here to learn everything you ever wanted to know about Heartworms: https://www.heartwormsociety.org/
In addition to a complete physical exam, vaccines, fecal exam and heartworm test, the Doctor will discuss nutrition, behavioral issues, problems since the last visit, and anything else of importance to you. Working together, we can prevent, diagnose, and treat conditions so your pet can have a long, healthy life.